What (and How) to Eat When You're Having Dental Issues: Dry Mouth or Oral Surgery & Implants
Below is an excerpt from an article found on MouthHealthy.org You know that what you eat directly impacts your health, and that includes the health of your teeth and gums. But it can work the other way around too. If you have an orthodontic appliance, such as braces, or have had certain dental problems or procedures, the health and comfort of your teeth and gums can directly impact what you eat. Here are some tips for what to eat and how to avoid these common dental issues. Dry Mouth Dry mouth is not a normal part of aging. If you have dry mouth, talk to your dentist or doctor. Dry mouth can be a sign of certain diseases or can be caused by certain medications or the result of medical treatments. If you have dry mouth: don’t use tobacco or drink alcohol drink water regularly-with and between meals avoid drinks that contain caffeine such as colas, coffee and tea since it can dry out your mouth chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless candy to stimulate saliva flow...